Ryan Reynolds Gives His Best Dramatic Performance in This Survival Thriller

Rodrigo Cortés' survival thriller, Buried, was an early showcase for Ryan Reynolds' talent as a dramatic actor and a leading man.

Ryan Reynolds Gives His Best Dramatic Performance in This Survival Thriller

It’s easy to forget that, prior to the overwhelming success of the Deadpool franchise, Ryan Reynolds was considered to be one of those great actors who would just have to settle for being the best part of underwhelming projects. While Reynolds couldn’t be blamed for the disastrous ways that films like Green Lantern or R.I.P.D. turned out, their failure suggested a gloomy future for his status as a leading man. It’s perhaps because of these early misfires that Reynolds’ Wade Wilson persona became so popular; he became the cheeky underdog who audiences were willing to invest in, as his sarcasm distinguished him. While this self-awareness has certainly benefited Reynolds’ career, he’s also shown signs that he’s capable of handling more straightforward dramatic work. Although it lacks any of the irreverent snarkiness of his post-Deadpool work, the 2010 survival thriller Buried is a terrific showcase for Reynolds’ talents as a leading man.

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