Game Of Thrones’ Rory McCann Will Take Over Ray Stevenson’s Role As Baylan Skoll In Ahsoka Season 2

It says something about the power of a performance that in a series featuring...

Game Of Thrones’ Rory McCann Will Take Over Ray Stevenson’s Role As Baylan Skoll In Ahsoka Season 2

It says something about the power of a performance that in a series featuring Ahsoka Tano, the return of Hayden Christensen's Anakin Skywalker, and the live-action debut of Grand Admiral Thrawn, Ray Stevenson's imperious turn as Force-sensitive mercenary Baylan Skoll proved the highlight of Ahsoka Season 1. And ever since the tragic news of Stevenson's death broke in May 2023, fans have wondered how — and indeed if — one of the most compelling new characters we've seen in Star Wars since Disney's takeover might live on. Now we have our answer. Per THR's reporting, Scottish actor Rory McCann is set to carry Baylan Skoll's story forwards in Ahsoka Season 2.

Best known for his role as burly, sweary, code-bound curmudgeon Sandor 'The Hound' Clegane in HBO's Game Of Thrones, McCann — a friend of Stevenson's prior to his passing — has been brought up multiple times online in conversations about potential recastings for Skoll, with the 6'6" Scot holding a similar hulking physicality, gravitas, and baritone grit as his Northern Irish predecessor. We don't know at this stage when exactly McCann will make his Baylan Skoll debut as Ahsoka Season 2, while confirmed to be in development, hasn't set a shoot start date or been slated for release just yet. But given the way Season 1's finale climaxed for Skoll, with *SPOILERS* Baylan leaving apprentice Shin to answer a mysterious calling and following a path that led him directly to statues of the mythic Mortis Gods, it's clear that there is still plenty of story left to be told when it comes to the sage Force user.

Though Ray Stevenson sadly never lived to see the universal love and acclaim his portrayal of Baylan Skoll wrought, dying aged just 58 mere months before Ahsoka premiered, that Disney, Lucasfilm, and Dave Filoni have taken the bold decision to forge a path ahead for Skoll with a new actor — and one of McCann's stature no less — is a testament to the impact he made on that galaxy far, far away. We will see just how McCann honours Stevenson's legacy when Ahsoka eventually returns to our screens, but for now at least, the Force is strong with this piece of casting.

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