Katika mjadala huu, wananchi watajadili njia za kuboresha ushiriki wa umma katika michakato ya kisheria na utawala, huku wakizingatia umuhimu wa uwazi, usalama, na ushiriki wa kila raia katika maamuzi yanayohusu taifa.

Rais mtukufu wa Kenya, Kasongo, alianzisha mjadala wa wazi kupitia mtandao maarufu wa X, akiwapa wananchi nafasi ya kutoa maoni kuhusu jinsi ya kuimarisha na kuendeleza nchi kwa pamoja. Katika mjadala huu, wananchi wanajadili masuala mbalimbali, ikiwa ni pamoja na umuhimu wa ushiriki wa umma katika michakato ya kisheria na utawala.
Voice {0,1}: "Daah, kweli iweje sauti ya Wakenya kwenye Bunge na serikali za kaunti ni hafifu hivi? Usiri wa umma katika Katiba yetu una mkazo gani? Aah, labda kuna jambo tunaweza kufanya ili kuboresha mifumo yetu, hasa mifumo ya upigaji kura. Ooh, utawala wa kidikteta dhidi ya demokrasia? Sauti za vijana wa kizazi kipya (Gen Z) zitakubalika?"
Voice {0,1}: "Nimefikiri suluhisho fulani, ni changamoto kidogo lakini pia rahisi, kulingana na jinsi tunavyoliangalia. Nimejaribu kushughulikia upendeleo wote wanaoweza kuingia katika mfumo huu nyeti, na pia nikizingatia kuwa mfumo huu uko katika hatua ya kubuni, na niko tayari kujadili na Wakenya wote jinsi mfumo huu unaweza kuboresha ushiriki wa umma, huku ukizingatia ushiriki wa umma kama inavyotakiwa kikatiba."
Voice {1,0}: "Kwa mujibu wa Katiba, wapiga kura wana uwezo wa kuwachagua au kuwaondoa viongozi wasiofaa. Hivyo, tunahitaji mfumo unaowawezesha wananchi kubadilisha maoni yao wakati wowote ndani ya kipindi cha uongozi. Kura yako haifai kuisha mara moja baada ya kupiga kura; unapaswa kuwa na chaguzi tatu: 'Nina imani' (kura ya ndiyo), 'Niko sawa na viongozi wangu' (neutral), au 'Sina imani' (kura ya hapana). Ikiwa kiongozi anapata kura nyingi za 'Sina imani' kutoka kwa umma, hii inaweza kuwa sababu ya kumwondoa madarakani."
Voice {0,1}: "Swali zuri, mfumo huu ni wa serikali, Katiba, na kila kinachohusiana na kuwa Mkenya. Kwa hivyo, kama Serikali ya Kenya chini ya Katiba, mimi ninalindwa, najulikana, na niko chini ya jukumu la serikali, iwe ni ya miji au ya vijijini. Kila raia ana kitambulisho cha kipekee, pasipoti, na leseni. Serikali ina data zetu, na ndiyo pekee inayohusika. Kwa hivyo, kuhusu faragha, unasema vipi? Ulinzi wa faragha na usalama wa kura yangu?"
Voice {1,1}: "Kura yako itakuwa salama na itapatikana hadharani, yaani kila raia anaweza kuona kura yako, lakini kura hiyo haiwezi kubadilishwa wala kutoa maelezo ya nani hasa alifanya kura hiyo. Pia, mfumo wa upigaji kura unaweza kuwa wa kugawanywa katika seva za kila kaunti, na sekta za umma na binafsi zikifanya kazi kwa pamoja ili kuhakikisha faragha na uwazi. Shukrani kwa cryptography."
Voice {1,0}: "Kwa nini unadhani mfumo huu utafanya kazi? Kwanza, katika kiolesura cha mtumiaji, kila mtumiaji ana chaguzi tatu katika kila kura, na kila mtumiaji anapata arifa kuhusu michakato ya Bunge wanaweza kuona moja kwa moja kutoka kwa nafasi zao kama inavyosema katika Katiba kuhusu ushiriki wa umma. Kadri pendekezo liko katika Bunge, wapiga kura na raia wanaweza kubadilisha kura zao kabla ya muda wa mwisho wa kupiga kura kufika. Hii inatoa nafasi kwa vyombo vya habari kuelimisha umma, kufafanua pendekezo lililopo wakati wabunge wanajadili kwa undani, huku raia na vyombo vya habari vikisaidia raia kufanya maamuzi yaliyoelimika."
Voice {2,1}: "Lakini hatuna sauti za Wabunge kutuwakilisha?"
Voice {0,0}: "Kweli, hatuwezi wote kuwa katika Bunge, lakini kura yako inahesabiwa kama kura moja ya umoja, ikishinda kwa wingi, neutral, na hapana, ambayo inaweza kuingizwa katika pendekezo kama kura ya ushiriki wa umma, na nguvu yake inategemea matakwa yako. Je, inapaswa kuwa kama jumla ya kura katika kikao plus moja (kura ya umoja ya watu)? Sijui, ni mjadala wazi, shiriki mawazo yako."
(uzungumzi nafsia huu unatendeka kwenye mtandao maharufu wa X ambako rais mtukufu wa kenya kasongo anawapa wananchi wake nafasi ya kutoa maoni yao kwa minajiri au kuweza kuiinua na kuikomboa nchi na kuiletea maendeleo kwa pamoja na amani.Rais anaonekana mwenye mawazo mengi yupo kimya anaskiza maoni ya watu wake)
Voice {0,1} : ( uzungumzi nafsia (daah,kweli iweje sauti ya wakenya kwenye parlamenti na county govt ni hafifu hivi?public participation kwa our Constitution ina mkazo gany?aah perhaps there’s something we can do to not destroy but improve our systems especially our voting systems .OOH Citizens AUTOCRACY vs DEMOCRACY ?!..
(sauti za vijana wenza {genz} watanikubalisha?,Je itakuwaje, Haithuru.)
Voice {0,1} : Basically I just thought of a solution, its a little complex and simple depending on but ave tried to address all the Biases that might come in such a sensitive system and also in-mind that this system is in its design phase and I am happy to discuss with all Kenyans on how this system could potentially improve our public participation while just sticking the system to all constitutional public participation .
(I don’t know how many public participation is at stake bt the improved system targets two key features..all citizens participation in parliamentary voting on national and county government. Ie the Speaker makes decision one based on the Mps vote in parliament and public total vote casts outside the house of what extent the public vote affects the final decision we discuss.)
Voice {1,0} :(Two well any politician wont love this)
why : the improved system recommendation says that according to the constitution ..voters have the power to vote in and out leaders who they find unfit but how, well we make a system that not only runs every 5 years but just as the voting system in parliament voters (citizens that made their patriotic duty to vote) can change to change their votes: u know how and why it matters?
How, ur vote doesn’t expire after voting as long as the term is in progress ...u have three permanent choices but can only make
- Neutral (u okay with ur leaders) ,
- Not CONFIDENCE (If a leader gets a lot of this in the public domain impeech)
- Voice {0,1} : (a voice asks :how safe is our system,hos does it affect my privacy?)
Good question, one this system is the govt the constitution and what takes to be a kenyan .so as the Kenyan Government under the constitution am protected ,known and under govt responsibility be it metro-poly ama kwa ground.
Every citizen has an unique id,passport and license)..the govt has our data its the onlu one that has the mandate: so privacy u say good:the next privacy is how does my vote not endanger me? CRYPTOGRAPHY AND ENCRYPTION .
U remember that WORLD-COIN TECHNOLOGY that the Govt paused? Yeah it was based on a technology that could not only make u unique bt also anonymity u: my point is we can improve our existing IEBC system that not only do citizens vote for high power bt alsoin parliament...since voting is for the INDEPENDENT ELECTORAL BOARD COMMISSION .
Voice {1,1} : (How will my vote count as a citizen?)
Your unique identifies which hehe could look like: : ID_NO@IEBC.GO.KE <41236427@IEBC.GO.KE> :PASSPORT_NO.IEBC.GO.KE , :LICENCE_NO.IEBC.GO.KE . This unique key can be the identifier of the voting system easy to integrate since every registered voter falls into one of these category uniquely. This uniqueness will allow one each citizen to vote in the National Government and Their County Government Down to chief...if a voter logs in their portal they see and can vote only where the constitution allows down to voting for ur chief.
Voice {1,0} : (but bro what if am in kisii and am a registered voter from another county but I want to vote for the current county government of residence?)
mhhh good since you can only reside once and has one permanent place of birth u get to choose one county to choose .but what fits a foreign county then u have to confirm with the system and well u must have resided in that part of the country for a given duration to vote online of course .
(visit that counties huduma centre to register ).
Voice {0,1} : (what if am not online) This system aims is not to replace existing systems u but improve users participation in not only voting but decision making at large . But how ?, Our mlolongo system can still be implemented what matters is u vote freely and interdependent ,,,With ur Electronic Machine and ur uniqueness u can vote in a real-time proceedings in both county and national parliamentary sittings ..tyhis aims to bring public psarticipation in the house increasing the speed at which policies are implemented .If u allow the GOVT we can change how it verifies your identity fingerprint,facial recognition,voice,all this systems once unique identifies you from the govt database ,you are eligible to vote for the current poll. Remember the poll is just the three options ie
Neutral (u okay with Ur leaders) ,
Voice {1,1} : (what is it for citizens) Ur vote will be encrypted and publicly available, i,e every citizen can see ur vote bt the vote can’t manipulate it however,nor does it give details of who specifically made the vote ..Also the voting system could be decentralized in each counties servers with public and private sectors actively syncing to ensure anonymity and transparency. Thanks to cryptography ...more details on the systems architecture if am given the TENDER hooo...
Voice {1,0} : aah why u think the system will work? One in the USERS GRAPHICAL INTER-PHASE each user has the three choices on each poll with each user getting notified on parliamentary proceedings they can view live proceedings from, their respective positions as stated in the constitution on public participation...(why such a system) long as the motion is in parliament ,voters and citizens can vote change their votes before the final voting time hits...this gives media services to educate the public ,clarify the motion at hand as the parliamentarians discuss into detail while citizens and media help citizens in making educated decisions…
Voice {2.1} : (No we got voices of MPS TO REPRESENT US?)
TRUE we cant all be in the parliament and but your vote is counted as a unified single vote majority win neutral and no which can be included in a motion as public participation vote, with its power weighted on your wish...should it be lyk the total votes in the sitting plus 1(unified peoples vote)? I don’t know its an open discussion share ur ideas.
Voice {0,0} : {you can edit/ modify this document and also if this system is implemented it should be open source and decentralized just lyk crypt same goes to all other Fields that govern and maintain our countries stability {allow cryptocurrency too).
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